LJC Style
Upholstery Service · Slip Covers · Window Treatments
Proudly Serving the South Shore Area since 2000
(781) 856-7880

Slip Covers
There are several reasons to slipcover a piece of furniture. Custom Slipcovers give your furnishings a fresh new look at a cost savings, compared to reupholstering. Slipcovers are functional. You can clean them. They can create multiple looks for your furniture ---- use them to change the theme of your rooms to reflect the seasons or for a change in mood. We can fit tailored or casual slipcovers depending on the piece, the fabric, and your needs.
We also make custom cushion & pillow covers for any piece of furniture in your home. Feel free to visit our upholstery section for more details on custom pieces for your home. Fabric selection includes durable twills and denims, suedes, solids, prints and leather look material. We also sell fabrics! Contact us today for more information on our wide variety of fabrics.